Punching Stupid and Evil in the Face Since 1986!

"We are on strike, we the men of the mind. We are on strike against self-immolation. We are on strike against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties."-John Galt

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paybacks really are a bitch.

As we are all no doubt aware the Generational Theft Act of 2009 (GTA09) did pass the House and Senate this week and is only awaiting the wonderful Obama families return from Chicago to become law. Yay. I am super excited and filled with anticipation. Thank goodness all that silly concern and worry over the future of this country is done with now-catastrophe averted. What with the new golf carts, the STD's research, and the jam-packed fun funding of welfare "Pay to NOT Work" scheme, the economy should be bouncing right back any second. Now? How 'bout now? Now? Hmmmm. Oh well, I will just wait for my piece of other people's hard work. Oh and I almost forgot-MY piece of salvation for my own hard work….$13 per week until January 2010, then it drops to $8. Again, yay. I might be as filled with excitement as Michelle Obama was when speaking of the Bush rebates last spring.

I was also relieved to find out that my healthcare is really too bothersome for me to worry about any more. I need to let the brianiacs in the Federal government watch out for me. We are clearly far over-reaching our boundaries as human being to think we should have one shred of influence over our healthcare-EVEN IF YOU WANT TO PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. Finally, our old people will be made to understand, things happen to your body as you age and there is simply no sense in treating them. You're getting old-please die. Finally, the government is going to step in to assess whether your doctor, your insurance and YOU have any idea how to handle your healthcare. I mean really, who are you assume you know anything about your own body-if the government believed we were anything but completely stupid and moronic individuals with an IQ of about 10 they wouldn't need to keep "helping" us this way. Finally, as they found in Atlas Shrugged, invention and ambition are harmful to EVERYONE in "the public", so thank your lucky stars-one more time-for Daschle and the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. (We are going to make their acronym FUCKEDUP-it's just easier to remember)

"…to slow the development and use of new medications and
technologies because they are driving up costs. He praises Europeans for
being more willing to accept "hopeless diagnoses" and "forgo experimental
treatments," and he chastises Americans for expecting too much from the
health-care system."

Again, just please die would you, you are running up costs for the rest of us.

Finally, as the last point that I am even capable of making today, welfare reform has been made profitable for the states again. Thankfully, now for every new recipient states can enroll, each dollar they spend will be increased by $4 from the federal government. We all know what a crazy loon President Clinton was-I will be forever indebted to this GTA09 for reversing the only intelligent thing he ever did. We are also going back to Clinton's level of funding (or worse) for defense spending. Golly, that will be great-9/11 wasn't memorable enough the first time around. Seriously, we should just tongue kiss all the leaders of the countries that hate us-that's why they don't like us-we aren't showing them any love.

There is so much more there, I could go on for days-but for now I'm going to stop. Frankly, it is all too depressing for me to think about some days. The GTA09 isn't the only issue here; the bigger problem is THIS is what Obama has done in less than one month as President. This is very likely only the scratch in the dam before the flood gates open. So I am left wondering, did I miss the day in class when we learned if something is true of a Republican it is bad, but if it is true of a Democrat it is virtuous? Or better yet-deficit spending is the devil until when? I know, I know-When Obama has to pay back the people who got him elected.

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